For your final assignment, you will apply everything you have learned in this course and develop a research prospectus. It must include the following:
Create a new Introduction to provide background and context for the study (2-4 pages)
Problem Statement (approximately 350 words; 10-15 required sources)
Purpose (approximately 1 page)
2-3 Research Questions. Include null and alternative hypotheses for quantitative RQs
Theoretical Framework (1-2 pages)
Significance of the study (approx 1 page)
Research method and research design justification to include discussion of how your proposed sampling/recruitment, data collection strategy, and analysis process will maintain rigor (1-2 pages)
Reflect on ethical and feasibility issues associated with the proposed study (approx 1 page)
Summary (approx 1 page)
Length: This assignment must be 8-13 pages (excluding the title and reference page). All claims and justifications throughout should be supported by recent or seminal scholarly sources.
References: Include a minimum of 15 scholarly resources.