In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Analyze the impact of court decisions on criminal justice policy and professional practice
The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) recently recruited law enforcement professionals from around the world with the intent to resettle them in different communities around the United States in order to diversify local police forces. These professionals have a background in criminal justice practices, but they lack knowledge of specific U.S. criminal justice practices and need instruction in how specific U.S. Supreme Court cases dictate the actions of professionals in police, courts, and corrections. You have been asked to create materials that will be included in a handbook these professionals will use as a part of their onboarding.
For your materials, you will summarize the decision of the identified court cases and explain the impact they have had on different policies, procedures, or practices in different branches of the criminal justice system.
Analyze what impact these landmark cases have had on police policies, procedures, or practices. In 50 words, summarize the decision. Then, in 150 words, explain the impact of the case:
.Mapp v. Ohio
Analyze what impact these landmark cases have had on court policies, procedures, or practices. In 50 words, summarize the decision. Then, in 150 words, explain the impact of the case:
.Gideon v. Wainwright (See Hemmens et al., p. 343–344)
Analyze what impact these landmark cases have had on corrections policies, procedures, or practices. In 50 words, summarize the decision. Then, in 150 words, explain the impact of the case:
.Furman v. Georgia and Gregg v. Georgia
Analyze what impact these landmark cases have had on policies, procedures, or practices relating to juveniles. Choose one of the cases below, and in 50 words, summarize the decision. Then, in 150 words, explain the impact of the case:
.Roper v. Simmons
.In re Gault
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Handbook training materials using the Project Three Template Word Document.
Supporting Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:
Project Three Template Word Document
This template should be used to create your handbook training materials.Analyze the impact of court decisions on criminal justice policy and professional practice