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Be sure you have reviewed the grading rubric for Discussion Boards. Remember there are minimum
lengths and expectations of analysis and application of course concepts. You are expected to use the
textbook as your first source and to cite in-text where you used the text information. A complete reference
list is expected at the end of each discussion. You are expected to respond thoughtfully to at least one
classmate (see the rubric and samples in the syllabus). Do not wait until the deadline to submit. You may
get closed out and you will not have time to read what others have written and respond thoughtfully.
Review the section under the Syllabus tab for sources you cannot use.
Go to page 53 and complete the “Measuring Up” activity. Respond to the items individually. Your answers
are for your eyes only. You will not be sharing the specifics from this inventory. You will be analyzing your
responses and the issue of cultural competence.
For the discussion posting: analyze what it was like to take this assessment. What surprised you? What
ideas did the assessment spark? What kind of variability among class members would you expect on
responses to this measure? What are the implications of cultural competence in health-care fields,
including health psychologists? How would you develop a presentation for healthcare classes here at
PGCC on cultural competence? What would you recommend these healthcare students do to develop such

Essay Mill

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Essay Mill

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