Detail requirements:
Part 1 (about 6 pages, with 10 reference) :
– Read the case study
– Develop some conceptualization to lead you to the development of a theoretical conceptual framework
(Organizational Learning Theory)
– Explain the theory in application to the case (following the attached TEMPLATE is a must) and provide
Part 2 (about 1 page, with 2 reference):
Work on Appendix 1
Discuss the particular components of the theory in relations to this case
Part 3 (about 4 page, with 5 reference):
Work on Appendix 2
Although you created a clear graphic and the essay to show how the important concepts of the theory relate to
each other, the other owners of the case require the information in narrative form (in formal APA format).
For this narrative, you’re going to not only explain the graphic, but develop recommendations for alternative
actions that could turn things around at the company in the case. Keep in mind that the move of production to
Seoul is still an option.