Masculinity in African American literature (using Hansberry and Malcolm X) analyzing using the masculine roles in Raisin in the Sun: Acts I, Acts II, & Act III – (Walter) & Malcom X: Chapter 1, Chapter 4, Chapter 6, Chapter 11, & Chapter 19 (Malcolm & another male role such as his father, etc.)
Formatting Checklist for Essay 2
Check Sheet for Documented Research Essay
(Essay 2)
• Descriptive title (not just “Essay 2” or “Research Essay”)
• 6-10 pages double-spaced (1800-2500 words)
• 1-inch margins
• Page numbers
• Paper topic may be one of the week topics or Module topics from the course schedule
• Analysis of at least 1 work from the syllabus not already covered in your first essay
• Direct quotes from this work/these works
• 2 or 3 outside/interpretive sources:
o ▪Extra credit for MLA International Bibliography and JSTOR articles
o Introductions in the text
o Database articles (Academic only)
o Books in the library
o Class discussions
• Direct quotes from these sources in the MLA style
• A List of Works Cited at the end of the essay, in the MLA style
o Include complete citations of primary and secondary sources
Evaluation Checklist for Essays
The A composition:
– Includes a thesis statement that effectively reflects the writer’s purposes
-Includes a thesis that is interesting and important
-Demonstrates depth of insight
-Uses an abundance of specific, relevant details, including concrete examples from sources that support generalizations
-Is composed of paragraphs that carefully follow the organizational plan stated in the introduction and are fully developed and tightly controlled.
-Contains a wide variety of sentence constructions
-Uses appropriate words and phrases to make transitions between sentences and paragraphs
-Uses effective coherence techniques to make prose distinctive
-Contains virtually no errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling
-Includes a bibliography of all sources cited
-Is formatted correctly according to the course syllabus