The required introductory paragraph for this paper will be the corrective introduction. Introduction: the the corrective introduction. To make a corrective introduction, you state an incorrect view point (such as “Many think that________ ; however, such a thought is incorrect”). The correct view point, of course, appears in the conclusion. So, your conclusion will provide the correct view point in contrast to the assumed and incorrect view. Many people think that the mall has just shoppers and workers, but a closer look shows that there are more groups of people than just mere shoppers and workers. The suspense in this type of introduction has the reader wondering what is the correct view and challenges the reader. Your introductory paragraph should include an interesting fact, observation, or quotation about the topic you are discussing. You should briefly review some background information on the topic (no more than three sentences). Finally, you should include some kind of thesis that indicates what the focus of your cause and effect research will be.
Use the Academic Search Complete database accessible through the college library website to find an article that relates to your prompt. Use evidence in the article to develop a rough draft of a body paragraph. Be sure to include things like a topic sentence, transition sentences, evidence, analysis, and in-text citations.
All criteria for the paper rest on the concepts discussed in the assigned chapters and lectures.
The paper will have a strong title.
The paper will have an introduction that contains the corrective introduction and will also have
A clear, sophisticated hook.
A clear overview of the topic of the paper.
A thesis statement that identifies the topic, makes an assertion, and suggests the paper’s focus.
The paper will have body paragraphs that each discuss the various claims you are attempting to make. Each will have:
A clear topic sentence.
Evidence and sources that support your claims.
An analysis of the relationship between the evidence, claims, and overall thesis of the paper.
The paper will have a conclusion that reinforces the deeper point of the paper without just repeating the thesis or the topics of the paper.
Each body paragraph will lead readers through the your research clearly.
As a whole, the body paragraphs must employ use of chronological, most-to-least, or least-to-most analysis of the topic.
The style will be third person.
The sentences will vary in length.
The paper will have a minimum of grammar errors.
MLA Formatting:
The paper will be formatted in MLA, including
One-inch margins
Double-spacing (with no extra spaces between paragraphs; set Before and After to zero).
12-point Times New Roman font
A heading with your name, the instructor’s name, the course, and the date, in day-month-year format (i.e., January 4, 2023 would be written 4 January 2023).
A header ½ inch from the top of the page with your last name and the page number.
A centered title.
Paragraphs that are indented one tab (or ten spaces).
Justify the paper left only—not both sides.