1. APA cover page
2. Abstract (1/2- 1 page)
3. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement
4. Literature Review Background Research on the topic (We will work on this in week 5)
a. Introduction
b. Body
i. State the reference that you are using or not using in your paper
ii. Provide 2-3 sentence summarizing what the article is about
iii. If you have more than 3 sentences your summary is not focused enough
iv. Provide one sentence why you are or are not using this resource to persuade your reader that your thesis statement is correct.
v. The three pieces of information above makes a paragraph in the body of your paper.
c. Conclusion to the Lit review
5. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem
a. Major focus of this section is to persuade your reader to agree with your thesis statement
6. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem
7. Conclusion
The thesis statement should be the first sentence of your paper or the last sentence of your first paragraph
Paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests:
I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important.
The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms.
II. Literature Review – background research on this topic
III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic?
IV. The discussion of potential new solutions.
V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic.
VI. A list of references in APA format.