The Colombian Exchange and the spread of disease
Focus on the spread of disease between Africa and North America, as well as Europe and Asia because of the Colombian Exchange. Follow the effects disease had on certain populations over the course of a 200 year period, especially the Smallpox virus. The list of infectious diseases that spread from the Old World to the New World is large but please primarily focus on Smallpox. In final paper: 1. Title (main and subtitle) 2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement 3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph 4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper 5. Conclusion 6. Work-cited About the format of footnoting and citation: 1. The citation of this class is Chicago Author-Date Citation System (not Notes and Bibliography System) (http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html). 2. The footnotes are not to cite the sources but to explain or add information that is better to separate from the main text. Course Description: This course offers a cross-cultural exploration of medical traditions, knowledge, and practices through history and across boundaries of geographical spaces, social groups, and disciplines. We examine the differences, similarities, and connection in the ways that people approached illness and healing by the examples from various cultures and societies, as well as the ways in which have changed over time.