Communication and Culture Introduction and Literature Review (CCIL; 40 “Pass” points; due Sun 5 Jul):
Every scholarly research paper begins with a:
1. research problem (i.e., a problem that has not been adequately addressed by previous research)
and . . .
2. main argument (i.e., an argument that addressed the research problem) For your research paper, here is your assigned problem and argument:
1. Problem: Since no history can include all the facts, heritage museums and historic sites must be selective in constructing their narratives.
2. Argument: A society’s dominant cultural values are reflected in its historical narratives, as demonstrated by a case study of official sites associated with the Texas Revolution.
You must work this problem and argument into your abstract page and Introduction section, build the Introduction around them and, in fact, build your entire paper around this problem and argument.
The first stage in composing your CCIL is to write the Introduction section. This section is where set up the rest of your paper by:
1. stating your research problem
2. stating your main argument to address this problem
3. describing why your argument matters to scholars of communication and culture 4. laying out the steps you will follow in the paper to make your argument
For your paper, the sequence might go something like this:
1. Since no history can include all the facts, heritage museums and historic sites must be selective in constructing their narratives.
2. A society’s dominant cultural values are reflected in its historical narratives, as demonstrated by a case study of official sites associated with the Texas Revolution.
3. This argument matters because it demonstrates the relationship between historical interpre- tation, now even more widely disseminated via online and social media, and cultural values.
4. This argument will be made in the remainder of the paper by reviewing the literature on cultural values, describing the findings of recent fieldwork, and analyzing those findings according to Hof- stede’s Cultural Values Dimensions typology.
In addition, you need to cite references that corroborate your assertions and position your argument within the relevant literature. To help you, I have posted examples of “A” student papers from previous semesters in a folder on our Course Homepage. And as always, refer to the grading rubric.
Minimum length for your Introduction section is 500 words—not including your title page, abstract page, and references section.
The next stage in composing your paper is adding the Literature Review section. The Introduction sec- tion is where you set up your main argument and let readers know where you are going. But before re- lating your findings and making your own argument, you must first provide readers with background about Hofstede’s Cultural Values Dimensions which furnishes the framework around which your find- ings and analyses will be organized. This is what the Literature Review does as you:
1. in six paragraphs (i.e., one for each dimension) set forth the basics of Hofstede’s six Cultural Value Dimensions
2. describe current (since 2000) research which uses Hofstede’s typology, devoting one paragraph to each study you review
3. justify your use of Hofstede’s typology as a productive framework for making your argument
Again, to help you write your Literature Review section, I have posted examples of “A” student papers from previous semesters in a folder on our Course Homepage. And as always, refer to the grading rubric.
Minimum length for your Literature Review section is 1,500 words—not including your title page, abstract page, and references section.
Also, your Literature Review section must cite at least eight scholarly sources. However, you do not have to look up these sources for yourself. Instead, I have posted to “Literature Review” folder on our Course Homepage numerous articles, by Hofstede and others, which I have pre-screened for your use. In fact, you must use these sources that I have provided and no others.
You will receive 40 pass/fail points if your CCIL:
1. is submitted by the Sun 5 Jul deadline
2. contains all the required sections including title page, abstract page, Introduction section, Literature Review section, and References section
3. complies with minimum length requirements of 500 words for the Introduction and 1500 words for the Literature Review
4. has in the Literature Review section at least eight references taken from the “Literature Review” folder on our Course Homepage
5. attempts in good faith to comply with APA style
By Sun 5 Jul you must submit the required portions of your paper including title page, abstract, intro- duction, literature review, and references. Post the assignment as an attached file to the indicated sec- tion of the Discussion Board. Remember to properly name your file as comm4314_yourlastname_ccil.
Please Note: When I give, or withhold, the 40 “Pass” points for the CCIL, this is not based on the quality of your submission. Rather, I am offering a “bribe” of 40 points as an incentive for you to make a timely start on your paper and produce a first draft that at least meets the minimum requirements. You will also receive detailed comments from me and, no doubt, will need to revise subsequent drafts. But you will at least have made a start and have an initial draft you can build on.
Communication and Culture Methods and Results (CCMR; 20 “Pass” points; due Sun 26 Jul): The next stage in composing your paper is adding the Methods section and Results section. The Introduction is where you set up your main argument and let readers know where you are going. The Literature Re- view provided readers with background about Hofstede’s Cultural Values Dimensions which furnishes the framework around which your findings and analyses will be organized.
Now the Methods section relates you how generated your findings and then the Results section relates those findings. Here again is the outline for your Methods and Results sections:
• Methods section (minimum 500 words)
o note (with references) how other scholars have used Hofstede’s typology to analyze websites o provide a brief general overview of the websites that you visited
o list elements of the websites that you analyzed; for example:
textual narratives
type fonts and sizes
photos and illustrations
official logos
sizes and placements of elements relationships of elements to each other
• Results section (minimum 1500 words)
o in six paragraphs (i.e., one for each dimension) describe with multiple examples how the
textual and visual elements of the websites constructed a narrative that reflects the six cultural value dimensions in Hofstede’s typology:
individualism valued over collectivism
low uncertainty avoidance valued over high low power distance valued over high masculinity valued over femininity short-term orientation valued over long-term indulgence valued over restraint
Again, to help you write your Methods and Results sections, I have posted examples of “A” student papers from previous semesters in a folder on our Course Homepage. And as always, refer to the grading rubric.
Minimum length for your Methods section is 500 words and for your Results section is 1,500 words.
You will receive 20 pass/fail points if your CCMR:
1. is submitted by the Sun 26 Jul deadline
2. contains all the sections you have written so far including title page, abstract page, Introduction section, Literature Review section, Method section, Results section, and References section
3. complies with minimum length requirements of 500 words for the Method section and 1500 words for the Results section
4. attempts in good faith to comply with APA style
By Sun 26 Jul post the assignment as an attached file to the indicated section of the Discussion Board.
Remember to properly name your file as comm4314_yourlastname_ccmr.
Please Note: When I give, or withhold, the 20 “Pass” points for the CCMR, this is not based on the quality of your submission. Rather, I am offering a “bribe” of 20 points as an incentive for you to make
a timely second draft of your paper that at least meets the minimum requirements. You will also receive comments from me and, no doubt, will need to make revisions in your final draft. But you will at least have made a workable second draft you can build on.
Communication and Culture Completed Manuscript (CCCM; 300 points; due Wed 5 Aug): Previously you introduced your main argument and then reviewed the literature about cultural values typology by which you will analyze your findings. Then you described how you generated your own findings and related your results.
Now the final two sections of your paper will analyze and those results and then draw conclusions from them. Here again is the outline for your Discussion and Conclusions sections:
• Discussion section (minimum 500 words)
o analyze your results using Hofstede’s cultural value dimensions
o in other words, discuss how the dominant Texas culture of today is reflected in what Texans
choose to remember and celebrate about their past and what they ignore • Conclusions section (minimum 500 words)
o draw conclusions, supported by your analyses, about your main argument
o reference other studies about cultural values and suggest whether your findings corroborate
or raise questions about past research
o set forth the implications of your main argument and why it matters to scholars
o relate the limitations of your research and why it does not necessarily apply to all Texans o suggest directions for future research and how others can address your limitations
Also please note that a Conclusions section in an academic paper is different than the “conclusion” of an essay or composition. The requirement here is a Conclusions section in the academic sense of drawing conclusions that are supported by your findings—and not mere editorializing or a “moral of the story.”
Again, to help you write your Discussion and Conclusions sections, I have posted examples of “A” stu- dent papers from previous semesters in a folder on our Course Homepage. And as always, refer to the grading rubric.
Minimum length for your Discussion section is 500 words and for your Conclusions section is 500 words.
Your CCCM submission must include a title page, abstract page, Introduction section, Literature Review section, Methods section, Results section, Discussion section, Conclusions section, and References sec- tion, and must be formatted in APA style.
By Wed 5 Aug post the assignment as an attached file to the indicated section of the