In this assignment, you will compile a list of the additional materials and documents (appendices) that will support your application’s rhetoric and budget. The nature of your project and the requirements of the funder will determine what you include. As you enter the last stages of preparation for writing the final version of your application, the documents that you attach will support your rationale and credibility.
1. Consult Lesson 8.
2. Put a header at the top of your document that includes: your agency, funder name and URL for specific grant you are applying to, and total amount of your request to the funder.
3. Compile as a “portfolio” a list of documents that you would attach with your application, along with a brief 2–3 sentence justification (reason) for each. Include and note as mandatory, documents that your funder requests as well as other support material that you believe will reinforce your application. Examples include: list of your agency’s board of directors, annual report, permits, images, video, and news articles about the problem or need that your project addresses. In the case of letters of support or cost estimates or quotes from outside your agency, state in your justification how long before your deadline you would request the document (timeline). You do not have to attach the actual documents to your assignment, just the list and justification. Consult the grading rubric below. (Value 10%)
4. Write a sample one-page support letter that an organization or individual would write on your behalf. Make sure the letter refers to your project and agency, and uses specific details. Use a three-part structure—introduction, discussion, and conclusion—and format as you would a real letter with addresses, greeting etc. Your assignment will be graded on organization, format, clarity, mechanics, grammar, and fulfillment of purpose as described in the rubric below. (Value 5%)
For examples of support letters, and further instructions consult:
• Stombaugh, H. (2018, June 6). What are letters of support, commitment, and memoranda of agreement? The Balance Small Business.
• Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (2012, May 2). Writing letters of support. (For research proposals)