This assignment is designed to help you identify sources of different support in your life, both potential and actual, as you embark on the journey of graduate education in social work.
Course Objectives:
CO 2: identify university resources required to successfully complete the MSW program (Library, Student Services,, etc.
CO 3: Identify and manage the many challenges and stressors that accompany being a student and how to address them appropriately.
CO 4: Create a system of work-life balance and effectively utilize internal and external resources.
Total points:
This assignment is worth 100 points.
This assignment will be in Times New Roman 12-point font, in table format.
Make a list of at least ten people, groups, and organizations that have supported you in the past or could support you in the future. Include at least one Chamberlain resource you have learned about in this module. You may include family members, friends, mentors, counselors, self-help groups, faith-based organizations, government organizations, and non-profits.
For each form of support, describe how they have helped, or how they could help. You may include all forms of support: emotional, practical, financial, intellectual, health-related, and others.
Beside each entry, enter how it ranks in importance to your success in graduate school, from 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important.
Grading Criteria:
You will receive 10 points for each completed entry of a person, group, or organization, up to ten entries.
Category Points Description
Sources of Support 50 Each source of support includes name of person, group or organization.
Types of Support 50 Each source of support includes type(s) of support and rank from 1 to 10.
Total 100
Please review the grading rubric to understand the expectations before beginning this assignment.
MSW500 M4: Support System Matrix Rubric
MSW500 M4: Support System Matrix Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSources of Support
50.0 pts
Meets Criteria
At least ten sources of support are identified and ranked.
40.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
At least eight sources of support are identified and ranked.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Fewer than eight sources of support are identified and ranked.
50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of support
50.0 pts
Meets Criteria
Each sources of support is matched with at least one type of support.
40.0 pts
Partially Meets Criteria
Most sources of support are matched with at least one type of support.
0.0 pts
Does Not Meet Criteria
Fewer than half of sources of support are matched with at least one type of support.
50.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0