• Using primary and secondary data undertake a strategic analysis of a live case organisation with which you are familiar.
You must address the following key aspects:
Research the internal and external operating environment… what this means… how this is utilised within our business.
Use critical judgment on why we have used a combination of analytical tools. Be critical all over the paper….
Use combination of citations from journals, books, internet, quotes.
Research is based on case study – our business -other sources – other businesses – as well as academic research – whats going on else where in the world in relation to the topic?
Look at canvas model principles for new business.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. (2 paragraphs)
Create TOWS matrix on what is significant (this is just a summary.)
See a fair sized appendix for interesting more detail of the analysis,
You need to justify what methods you use and simply acknowledge other solutions. BE CRITICAL
Not detailed description – use judgements – why (several levels if possible) – what else could have been used –
– The internal operating environment; what we do internally.
– The external operating environment; what we do externally.
– A TOWS summary and strategic recommendations. (look up)
Special Instructions – You should use an appropriate combination of strategic analysis theory to frame a fuller analysis, then distill your findings into a focused report covering the most relevant issues. You may find it helpful to include your wider initial analyses in an Appendix and refer to only the key findings, to develop the specific, most critical arguments for your main report. Assessment 001 should not exceed 2250 words including your introduction of 250 words.
Note that if you use an Appendix it is outside of the word count and the content alone will not contribute to your marks. Only the arguments created in your main report will be considered.