#1 Falk Raphael uses the term critical caring.
1) What does this term mean?
2) How does critical caring promote an environment that is accountable, recognizes the importance of diversity, and leads to advocacy for patients and families?
#2 Using the Revoyr story and the Danticat and Diaz video, discuss
1) The conflicts each piece addresses
2) Strategies to mediate conflict
#3 Henrietta Lacks Chapters 29-38 Summary Due
In addition to summarizing chapters 29-38, please also tell me what you thought of this book and what topic from the book might be the subject of your Diversity Paper.
Please label each chapter with a brief summary for each chapter – 1-2 sentence for each chapter.
Falk Raphael (2005). Critical caring.
Revoyr, N. (2005). Foreigner in Marshfield.
Danticat, E. & Diaz, J. ( 2015) Speaking out against Dominican refugee crisis.