QSO 345 Scope Management Plan Template
Use this template to create your own scope management plan for Milestone Three. Include all sections and tables identified in this template in your final submission. Note: This template represents only the minimum requirements. If you prefer, you can add elements to your template that you believe a project manager might find useful.
Scope Management Plan
Scope statement
Clearly define your scope statement in this section. Your scope statement is the final approved scope of the project and should clearly define what the project is, what it will deliver, by when, and for how much.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Hierarchy
Using word shapes, word art, or other software of your choice, show the breakdown of the work needed to deliver on the project scope. Ensure that you use a WBS ID for each level and align the ID to related tasks, and that your tasks are all represented in the WBS dictionary. Example:
Figure 1, WBS Hierarchal Structure
WBS Dictionary
Provide a brief narrative about the information contained in your WBS dictionary table.
WBS Coding Element Name Description
Table 1, WBS Dictionary
Scope Verification
Provide the process that will be used to verify the scope during execution and closing. This section should explain when work will be verified and which stakeholders are authorized to sign off or accept the work as complete.
Scope control
Describe the process you will use to control the scope of the project, the process you will use to review requests for change, and which stakeholders will be needed to approve changes.