QSO 345 Schedule Management Plan Template Guide
Use this template to create your own schedule management plan for Milestone Four. Include all sections and tables identified in this template in your final submission. Note: This template represents only the minimum requirements. If you prefer, you can add elements to your template that you believe a project manager might find useful.
Schedule Management Plan
Provide a brief introduction that describes what the project schedule management plan covers.
Schedule management approach
Describe the approach used to create the project schedule; also include the method used to estimate the durations of each of the activities.
Activity list
Provide a brief narrative of what the activity list covers.
WBS ID Activity Name Predecessor WBS ID Activity Duration (Days)
1.2 Example:
Design new page layout Example:
1.1 Example:
7 days
Table 1 – Project Activity List
Network diagram
Provide a brief introduction to what your network diagram is and what it covers. Using word shapes, flowchart software, or project management software of your choice, create a network diagram that sequences the activities on your activity list. Remember to highlight the critical path of your project and ensure that you include the WBS ID on each node. Note: Some activities should not follow the critical path, and you should have multiple paths of work being done. Example:
Project Sequencing and Critical Path
Provide a brief narrative describing your critical path and what the activity sequencing table covers.
Activity Path Sequence Total Duration Critical Path Y/N
1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 Example:
28 days Example:
Table 2, Project Activity Sequencing and Durations