The assignment is not a presentation, it is an annotated poster presentation, however there was no option for
poster presentation. The poster must use the template attached below. The assignment is using the lake
district as a case study.
AS1 Annotated Individual Poster Presentation (50%)
Make a poster for individual poster presentation of 12 minutes duration using a PowerPoint template
prepared by the module leader. Your poster presentation should cover the following points:
• Explain the concepts of sustainability and responsibility in the context of tourism. (15%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved
in the Lake District in terms of economic aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability. (25%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved
in the Lake District in terms of socio-cultural aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability. (25%)
• Discuss the current issues in tourism, conservation and sustainable development which need to be improved
in the Lake District in terms of environmental aspect of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) of sustainability.
• The list of references needs to be included in the note section of PowerPoint template. (10%)
– You do not need to make the presentation formally but you should submit the presentation with the
expectation that the presentation would last for 12 minutes if made.
– The poster should contain additional information in the note section of PowerPoint template (up to 1,200
words = equivalent to 12 minutes talk) so that the marker can see the content and the detail that would be
explained if the presentation were to be formally made.
– The information in the note section should be used to expand the information on the slide further.
– In short, the note section should include both additional information and list of references.