I. Overview
This research paper is designed as a basic introduction to the process of scientific writing. It should consist of 4 sections: (1) introduction (description of your chosen subject and its relevance with some historical perspective if appropriate), (2) body of the paper that includes the physiology and or biology of your topic (description of the mechanisms at work), (3) conclusion (a summary of the main topics or findings and your evaluation of their relevance), and (4) references. Although this paper has no maximum length it should be a minimum of 5 pages and adequately address your topic. The written format of this paper should be written in an acceptable format of your choice (APA, MLA, etc.). You may choose any topic in biology.
A. Components of this research paper.
1. Title Page
a. Title:
1a. Tells what the study is about
2b. Fully explanatory
3c. Not longer than 15 words
4d. No abbreviations
b. Author
1a. First name, middle initial, last name
c. Affiliation
1a. Academic unit
d. Running head
1a. Abbreviated title – printed at top of each page (maximum of 50 characters).
2. Introduction
a. Introductory paragraph: Grab attention – really focus. This should prepare the reader for the remainder of the study.
b. Briefly summarize your topic and its relevance along with some historical perspective when appropriate. This section should set the stage for the body of the paper..
3. Body (main ideas)
a. Systematic, thoughtful, logical, and sequential information about your topic.
b. Include any tables, graphs, etc. needed to explain your particular subject.
4. Conclusion
a. This is the area in the paper that takes some thought and deliberation. You need to come to your own decisions and conclusions based on the data you have conducted when writing this section and not summarize other authors. Whatever you write in this section will need to be defended by you, so do not write over your head.
b. Interpretation of your results.
c. Refer to articles in your literature review.
d. Explain discrepancies.
e. Suggest other possible studies.
f. Tie this section into the overall meaning and application in your field.
5. References
a. All articles cited in your paper must be listed. No article should be listed that is not used. (You may read 50 articles – if they are not pertinent to your topic, they should not be cited – if they are not cited, they may not be included in references.) You should follow the formatting style that you have chosen for all references.
b. You may use current texts that describe both the normal and adapted physiological systems involved with your topic. Only professional research journal articles may be used for the body section of this paper unless permission from instructor is given.
c. A minimum of 5 research articles must be used for this section.
6. Appendix
a. This section contains information pertinent to the study, but that would reduce readability if included in the main body of the text. These may include additional graphs, diagrams, tables, etc.
This paper should reflect your very best effort. Therefore, it should be proof-read continually, checked for all spelling, grammar, punctuation errors, and accuracy.