Company Chosen: Pratt & Whitney
For your Research Paper, you will select a well-known company in the aviation community to examine its organizational environment and behavior. Each week, you will apply what you have learned in the Module of study to the company you selected in Module 5 and discuss how the company has accomplished the concept. This will be an ongoing process until you finalize your paper to submit during Module 9.
The paper will include an introduction of the company and discuss the company’s leadership, communication networks, decision making, negotiations process, organizational change, power, politics, organizational culture and innovation, goals and structure, strategy, technology, and organizational design.
Describe your company’s collaborative work environment, specifically discussing collaboration techniques, the interaction between leaders and followers, and supportive communication.
Research your selected company’s business environment, using the company’s website or periodicals such as Fortune magazine or The Wall Street Journal.
Explain the company’s decision-making environment, risk management, and how the organization resolves conflict through the strategic negotiation process.
Ensure you include this discussion in your paper.
The following are required components of your research paper:
The body of the paper will consist of approximately 10-12 pages
Times New Roman, 12-point font,
APA format.
Use the following outline for your paper:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Introduction or Background of Company
Brief Discussion on the Contents of the Paper
Body of the Paper Discussing Each Week’s Topic (Questions listed: Decision Making, Team Building, Change Management and Innovation Culture, Organizational Structure, Environment)
Summary / Conclusion