In order to assist you in the process of identifying a potential topical area for your DNP project, this assignment is designed to help you identify an area for future clinical inquiry. Choose a clinical or topical area of interest that might be an area for you to focus your DNP Project. At this point you can keep the area or topic broad (e.g. you may be interested in “hypertension in the elderly” or “low birth weight infants” or “depression in LGBT adolescents” or “opioid substitution therapy in persons who inject drugs”). Once you identify a topical area, provide an overview of why this topical area or issue is of clinical significance. You should provide a background of the issue and its impact on the health of the population of interest. Be sure to include statistics or justification as to why one should be concerned about this topical area, or include other reports (such as economic reports or system/organizational reports) that have already been done to support the significance of the issue. Provide a brief review of the literature that you examined focused on your topic of interest. Then identify ONE published QUALITY IMPROVEMENT or PROGRAM EVALUATION article from a peer reviewed journal that focuses on the area of interest (do not use a randomized controlled clinical trial, systematic review, or meta-analysis). Once you identify an article, you must provide: a summary of the quality improvement intervention a brief critique as to the strengths and weaknesses of the intervention recommendations on how you improve upon the project and/or how you would apply the article’s implications to your practice. Use the following headers in your paper: Introduction Background and Significance Review of the Literature Article Critique Implications for Practice You may include additional sub-headings if appropriate. Papers should be double spaced, follow APA 7th edition formatting, including in-text citation and referencing. Please include a Title Page. An abstract page is not needed. Your paper should be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding the title page and references. You do not need to include an abstract page). Please use 1” margins, 12-point font. Only .DOC or .DOCX files will be accepted. All submissions must be uploaded into CANVAS. Papers that are directly emailed will not be accepted. All papers submitted will be processed via TURNITIN. Papers found to have evidence of plagiarism will receive an automatic “F” (zero points) and students will be subject to an academic integrity violation. Please also submit a PDF of the article that you are using as your primary QI or Program Evaluation article. Two sample papers are provided for your reference. Please note that the directions for your assignment are slightly different than the sample papers. However, the overall concept and way that the students integrated the information is similar to what you are being asked to do for this assignment.