You will develop a proposed public health nursing intervention to meet an identified need and/or gap in your own community. This must be within the scope of the staff level public health/ community health nurse. (Note: you cannot propose building facilities or purchasing a mobile health van). The intervention should demonstrate your application of previous learning in the program related to process improvement and evidence-based nursing practice. Quality peer-reviewed references are required to support the need as well as the structure, elements, and evaluation of the intervention.
Focus on your own local community. You will use resources found in CANVAS, FSW library, and the web to develop this project. Note that census and other epidemiological data is not available down to zip codes or census tracts in Florida- only by county and/ city.
In this scholarly paper, you will utilize the data collected previously to support the need for the intervention. The following topics must be covered:
Introduction – the identified need and a summary of relevant data that supports the need, its relevance to public health nursing practice as summarized from your data collected previously.
Proposed Intervention – description of intervention – evidence/ research/ literature to support and at what level(s) of prevention is the intervention
Resources required – stakeholders and how to involve, financial costs estimated, other requirements like facilities, locations, persons, equipment
Implementation plan including timeline
Specific Evaluation method(s) to assess the effectiveness of the intervention
Reflection on your individual learning from completion of the project. Include how this has or will impact your professional practice at this point in your career or in the future.
APA format is required – see grade rubric for reference type and number
So my idea was to create a health fair as the intervention and the community gap is the lack of mental health sources for both children and adults. If you think of something better or find something easier to write about let me know. Maybe substance abuse as a community gap what ever is easier to write on