Basic Structure/Layout of the Paper
Introduction [1 paragraph]
Thesis [1, maybe two sentences]
Background paragraph which explains only the most essential of the background, history, terms, concepts, or the like of this topic. [1-2 paragraphs; some research]
Describe the text’s denotation—what it appears to be, represent, or say on the surface. [1-3 paragraphs]
Put this text in conversation with comparable things. Highlight similarities and differences. [3-5 paragraphs; some research]
Analyzing superheroes? What are some others your chosen hero is like or unlike in some notable way? Analyzing drinks? What are some others yours is like or unlike in some notable way?
Establish a framework for oppositional reading—a lens through which you will examine it. This is often historical and political in nature. (research-heavy)
Explain or offer up your oppositional reading of the text (the connotation). [bulk of the paper’s body; research as support as needed]
Either sign-by-sign adding up to the overall interpretation OR
Overall interpretation to sign by sign
Conclusion [1 paragraph]
AND I have 7 sources already.
Work cited
Barry, John M. The Great Influenza: the Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History. Penguin Books, 2018.
Moalem, Sharon, and Jonathan Prince. Survival of the Sickest: the Surprising Connections between Disease and Longevity. Harper Perennial, 2008.
Saluzzo Jean-François. La Saga Des Vaccins: Contre Les Virus. Belin-Pour La Science, 2011.
Sue Tong, sammi Zheng. “Briefing: More than 2,100 deaths in the United States; young Chinese awakened in the epidemic.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 29 Mar. 2020, cn.nytimes.com/morning-brief/20200329/coronavirus-briefing/
Holmes, Lindsay. “These Are The Most Common Symptoms Of COVID-19 Right Now.” Yahoo!, Yahoo!,26June2020, www.yahoo.com/huffpost/most-common-covid-19-symptoms-195950075.html.
Staff, KOMU 8 Digital. “Friday COVID-19 Coverage: Columbia Mayor Calls for Mask Ordinance.” KOMU.com, www.komu.com/news/friday-covid-19-coverage-columbia-mayor-calls-for-mask-ordinance/.
Yahoo!, Yahoo!, 23 June 2020, www.yahoo.com/entertainment/7-old-boy-reads-books-154320521.html.