Text Book: Literature to Go, 3rd edition. Michael Meyer. Boston, Bedford/Saint Martin’s, 2017.
•Length: Ten double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font pages.
•The reference page doesn’t count as one of the pages.
•Percent of semester grade: 20%
•Sources: Only use databases on the ENGL 1118 library research paper web page. Your paper must have
at least ten decent sources in it.
LINK: http://rctc.libguides.com/RP
•Academic style: Your research paper must be in MLA or APA style.
•Assignment: Research a poem, play or short story from our book. Then, use the following chapters in our
book to write your paper:
o Chapter 29: Reading and the Writing Process
o Chapter 30: Writing about Fiction
o Chapter 31: Writing about Poetry
o Chapter 32: Writing about Drama
o Chapter 33: The Literary Research Paper
• Grading criteria: Your essay is long enough and turned in on time. It is in correct MLA or APA style. It
is not plagiarized. It is a thesis-driven, organized essay divided into sections. You should provide original
insights into your chosen poem, play, or story. Your essay should be similar to the sample essays in
chapters twenty-nine through thirty-three.