Physiology Disease & Disorder Paper [Rheumatoid Arthritis as chosen disease/disorder]
Students will select, research, and write a term paper on a disease or disorder relevant to the study of human physiology. In addition to the research, students will review and critique a magazine, newspaper or online article that relates to the chosen topic. State your opinion of the article and use your newfound knowledge to defend or refute the article.
1. Term Paper Research: minimum 6 full pages in length
2. Double-spaced
3. Title Page (Pictures on the title page are a nice touch)
4. Bibliography (Having at least 4 sources)
5. Article Critique: 1-2 full pages in length (apart from research pages)
6. Article can be scanned, linked or URL provided.
This assignment is worth 100 points. Grading is as follows:
• Length: 5 points
• Title Page: 2 points
• Works Cited: 8 points (2 pts per source)
• Spelling and Grammar: 5 points
• Content : 80 points
To assist in writing the research portion of the assignment, be sure to include the following information which is a breakdown of the 80 points:
Describe the topic (10 pts) – Start with general background (define, history, prevalence, statistics). What are the signs and symptoms of the disorder or disease? Are there any risk factors associated with the condition?
Pathophysiology (40 pts) – Describe the physiological effects of this condition. Provide detailed mechanisms causing the disease and how it differs from the normal, non-diseased state. Emphasize changes at the molecular and protein level. What cells, tissues or organs are involved and how are they impacted by the condition?
Treatment and Research (10 pts) – What is the current treatment(s) for this condition and how does this treatment work? Be specific and provide detailed mechanisms. If there is no cure, how is the condition managed? Is there any new research or current trials being conducted on this disease? Briefly describe it.
Article Critique (20 pts) – Summarize and analyze the article and state your opinion
Please submit your assignment online via Canvas and follow the online submission instructions. The online submission will be used to check for plagiarism so be sure all your work is original.