Understanding IT organizations and the internal power structure
In this week we discuss how IT organizations are organized and what factors impact their effectiveness. We look at how the composition of the IT organization must align with the organization’s missions and values and discuss the ramifications when the IT structure is not aligned properly.
The learning objectives for this week are:
1. . Be able to identify how information systems are organizational communication systems and analyze the effectiveness of their use for these purposes.
2. Expand their skills at developing organizational charts or positions and devising satisfying work procedures and environments that both draw upon all employee talents and facilitate high quality task completion.
3. Develop skills in identifying power systems and accessing their advantages and disadvantages.
4. Gain a critical awareness of how organizational functions are augmented by IT and communications systems, expanding human capabilities.
The learning activities for this week are:
1. Participate in the discussions by the guest speaker (it will be recorded in zoom).
2. Read chapter 9 Boot Strapping Culture
3. Lecture on Edward Schein’s Culture Model
4. Lecture on Culture
5. Organizational Culture
6. Complete Discussion board – Part I and II See instructions below
Part I
Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is a substantial factor in determining the success of IT organizations and how they are viewed by the entire organization. This week you will have a lecture from (1) Mr. Carl Whitman (CIO Marymount – Please listen to the zoom class session; (2) three videos on Organizational Culture and Edgar Schein’s Model and (3) lasting our text book chapter on boot strapping culture. All of these resources must be viewed to respond to this discussion question. This discussion board will be worth 18 points. There will be 3 points for answering each of the questions below and 3 points for responding to 1 other student.
The discussion question is: From your own place of employment (no matter the type):
1. From your own place of employment (no matter the type): What artifacts do you see?
2. From your own place of employment (no matter the type): What values support those artifacts?
3. From your own place of employment (no matter the type): What basic assumptions are form from and reinforced from those values?
4. What were some of the key points from Mr. Whitman’s discussions that discussed Artifacts, values and Assumptions?
5. What does Fournier say about creating and maintaining culture?
Part II
Respond to 1 other student – This will be provided once part I is completed.