Associate Degree Nursing
RNSG 2535
Nursing Issues Paper Guidelines
Purpose: To improve your knowledge, understanding, and awareness of Nursing Issues in Professional Practice.
Students will select a topic from the attached list to research. Completed assignments should be six to ten pages (do not include title page or references in page count) and formatted per APA guidelines. Include the following content in your paper:
Overview of the Issue
• Describe the issue
• Why the issue is important to nursing
Examples of How the Issue Affects Nursing
• Include examples from the research
Application to Professional Practice
• Why should nurses be aware of current issues
• How will this knowledge shape your personal practice
This assignment constitutes 10% of your course grade, so start on it early and take it seriously. Closely follow the Nursing Issues Paper Grading Rubric for formatting and content requirements and seek faculty clarification when necessary. Use your APA textbook and the APA sample paper provided to you on Blackboard. Remember you also have access to Writing Center and Library staff to help you improve your research and writing skills.
One electronic copy to your assigned instructor by 0830 on July 20, 2020. Papers received late will receive a 5-point deduction per day for a maximum of 7 days. After 7 days, the student will receive a zero for the assignment. This assignment is not optional and is required to fulfill the course requirements. Save and submit your electronic copy of your paper to faculty in a Microsoft Word document in the following format: last name, first initial, NI (Example: ParkerSNI.docx).
Current Issues in Nursing Practice
The following list is not all inclusive. If you have a different topic you are interested in, please email your faculty mentor for approval.
• Nursing Faculty Shortage
• Ethical Dilemmas (chose one)
o End of Life
o Abortion
o Treatments in Conflict with Personal Values
• Violence in the Workplace
• Staffing Shortages
• 12 Hour Shifts and Mandatory Overtime
• Nursing Unions
• Cannabis as a Therapeutic Treatment
• Opioid Epidemic
• Nursing Burnout
• Culturally Competent Care
• Nurse Substance Abuse and TPAPN
• BSN Requirement and Magnet Facilities
• Prevalence of Female Nurses
• Electronic Surveillance
• Rules of Delegation
• Self-care of the Professional Nurse
• Mentoring New Nurses
• Safe Harbor