Objective: The purpose of this project is to become familiar with reading and analyzing primary scientific journal articles. This project is also an opportunity to become more familiar with some of the major issues surrounding the field of microbiology.
Description: Students will research a microbiological organism (e.g., P. aeruginosa), and present their findings to the class in a PowerPoint presentation format. The organism/pathogen may be bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan, or helminthic in nature. I prefer that that no two students research the same organism. Therefore, email me your choice as early as possible so that you can research your organism of choice.
Project Paper Instructions:
1. Find four primary source articles from peer reviewed scientific journals related to one of the topics covered in class (e.g., microbial metabolism) about your organism of choice. Any topic will do, but it should be a topic that is directly related to your microbe of choice. Anything other than a primary source will not be counted.
2. Read the articles and write a one-page summary of each article (i.e., four pages. Your one-page summaries should include, but not be limited to, a paragraph in which you discuss the relevance to current issues in microbiology (i.e., why does the research matter? What it means to you and to the world? – In other words, why should we care about this topic and the research that has been done?). You should also include other relevant information from the articles (e.g., why was the research performed, what are the hypotheses, what were the findings, etc.)
3. Compile your summaries into a single document. Each summary should be typed and double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 pt. font (APA or MLA) rather than handwritten. In addition to the four summaries, please include an overarching conclusion that ties your review of the primary literature together. Finally, please include a reference page with live links to the articles.
Articles to be used: