Case Study: You are an intake worker at a Main Street Resource Center in a large urban center. Your resource center is located in the city core and frequented by homeless and low-income clients. Your job is to refer the clients to community services and ensure their immediate needs are dealt with. Your center has a food bank and clothing depot. You partnered with other non-profit agencies that provide housing, medical, counseling, and other community services to your clients.
Jessica, a 19 year old, girl wanders into the center. She looks like she is living on the streets and could use a shower. She sits down at your desk and you notice she is about 6 months pregnant. When you start talking with her you learn the following:
Jessica is indeed pregnant and she is due in 2 months.
She left her abusive boyfriend and has been sleeping in a nearby park for 3 nights. She was not able to take anything with her as she pretended she was running out for cigarettes and then took off. She has no ID or bankcard as her ex-partner always kept them so she couldn’t leave.
Jessica is hungry. She has been eating leftovers on tables at a local food court. She is scared to go to any homeless shelter or soup kitchen because her ex-partner might find her. She seems really scared about that possibility. She confides in you that he threatened to kill her baby if she ever left.
She says she has no maternity clothing and the clothing she does have is not appropriate for the weather and she is cold a lot.
Jessica grew up in foster care and has no family that can help her. She was shuffled from home to home and never bonded with any of the families. Her biological mother is a drug addict and she doesn’t know who her father is. She has no friends, as her partner kept her isolated. The last time she had friends was about 4 years ago and they lost touch.
She shares with you she feels depressed and anxious about having a baby when she is homeless. She feels like a failure as a mother because she hasn’t been able to access medical care during her pregnancy and admits to drinking on occasion in the last few months. She says she still uses pot on a regular basis when she has access to it.
Jessica says she is motivated to change her life for her child. She hasn’t been in school since 16. But she would like to go back to high school and then to University to study art. She tells you that she is a really good artist. She wants to be a good mom and give her child a good life.
Jessica checks off that she is status First Nations on the intake form.
Directions: Read the case study about Jessica. Then in a 1-2 page paper include the following:
Identify 1-2 needs for each tier of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
Then provide one resource in your community that could help meet each of these needs.
Marking Note: Each category of needs and resources is worth 3 marks.
Prepare this assignment as a Microsoft Word document. Use proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox. This assignment is worth 30 marks.
Your assignment will be evaluated with the corresponding rubric.
Evaluation Scale x Criteria = Total Marks