Location-Related Decisions
In this section of the final project, you will focus on location-related decisions taken by the company you have chosen and the company’s strategy to manufacture in-house or outsource the functions of the supply chain. This outsourcing may be tied to a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis and determination of core competencies.
Complete the following tasks:
Analyze the company’s decisions and strategy regarding site selection, outsourcing, and offshoring operations.
Examine the impacts of offshoring or outsourcing on quality and the supply chain.
Prepare the deliverables for this week to provide information on the following aspects of the company:
Submission Details:
Based on your research, write succinct discussions of each of these items.
Present your work as a 2–3-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
Support your responses with examples. Cite any sources in APA format.
Your study will comprise updates each week that analyze the company on the basis of searches such as Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO Host or other appropriate research such as: Time Magazine, The Economist, the Harvard Business Review, the Journal of Business, etc.) or book that parallel the studies for that week.
Analyzed the company’s decisions and strategy regarding site selection, outsourcing, and offshoring operations. -25 points
Examined the impacts of offshoring or outsourcing on quality and the supply chain.-25 points
Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary.
Formatted the paper and cited all sources using APA format.
Total: 60
Your submission will be sent to Turnitin to be electronically reviewed for plagiarism.