Extended project qualification (5000 words)
Is dental amalgams safe?
Things to be included:
Rough structure
-Introduction – outline question
– basic history
– Main discussion
– Use subheadings to structure the essay
– Conclusion of findings
this Is how I would want the structure to be like below
– Contents page
– An abstract at the start clearly indicating the objectives that will be covered in the essay
– Include brief history of how it was invented and what amalgam is
– Researches that have already been conducted evaluate these sources
– Alternatives fillings that can be used instead of amalgram
– Include any diagrams, graphs that can show data and evaluate these
– a conclusion of the essay and your opinion that you have developed after this research has been conducted
– bibliography of all the sources/ websites you have used , use havard referencing in the essay
– Make a table of evaluation of the sources you used MINIUM 20 of them example below
– source – reliability of that source usefulness /key pointers that you have incorporated in the essay Date
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Evaluation of the essay
-Research log and evaluation- (source, Reliability of that source ,usefulness ) in a table form see above
-track the decisions you made what did you change write this in a separate page
-Evaluation of research after essay was completed to be included on a separate page at the end of the essay
References minimum of 40
– This work needs to be of a very high standard
– It is an extended project qualification
– Please use only reliable sources less than 10 years old
– Make sure to include what dental amalgams are and their toxicity
– Why some countries have banned amalgam fillings
– If scientific community supports the banning of the amalgams
– How dentist may use amalgams as they make a profit?
– How to define whether they are safe
– How people have died or became ill with amalgam fillings
– Can they be linked to certain diseases
Describe your topic
• Are you answering a specific question
• Are you exploring a topic in detail
• Are you creating something?
• Why have you chosen this topic?