Instruction to search the Article:
Via your student services page, log in to the Saudi Digital Library.
After your login with your student ID, search for the following article:
“Your Approach to Hiring is all Wrong”, by Cappelli, Peter. Harvard Business Review. May/Jun2019, Vol. 97 Issue 3, p48-58.
Download the article, read it carefully and answer the following questions. Also use at least 2-3 additional scientific references to support your answers/opinions.
Assignment Questions:
1. Summarize the article in your own words. (minimum of 250 words).[Marks:2]
2. Reliance on data science in the hiring process, is this critical to the desired outcome? Describe this is no less than 100 words.[Marks: 2]
3. Discuss why employers find the hiring process difficult? Make some suggestions to develop such a recruitment process which can hire the best employees for the organization. [Marks: 1]
Instructions for the students:
1. First page of the assignment should be filled with
· Course Code [MGT-211] and Course Title [ HR Management] and CRN-
· Student Name and ID.Number
· Date of Submission
· Instructor name
2. Second page should be Assignment question.
3. After the question page, present your answer by clean and neat layout.
4. Assignment should be submitted as word file.