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Module: Health Improvement and Healthy Lifestyles
Module Code: SSC202
Assignment 1: Essay
Marks 50%
Words 2,000
Submission Deadline Date 11th August 2020
Submission Deadline Time 2:00 PM
Mode of Submission Online
Assessment 1: Essay
This assessment requires students to complete an essay related to
understanding the concepts, theories and models underpinning
health promotion and lifestyle behaviour change, by applying and
evaluating these theories and models to lifestyle issues in health
and social care.
The essay should be 2000 words, (+or- 10%).
This work will be assessed by staff testing learning outcomes
1/2/3/6 and will contribute to 50% of the final module mark.
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to do
the following:
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1. Understand the concepts, theories and models underpinning
health promotion and lifestyle behaviour change.
2. Apply health promotion and behaviour change theories and
models to lifestyle issues in health and social care.
3. Evaluate current strategies for health promotion and lifestyle
4. Apply a model of behaviour change to a lifestyle issue in health
and social care.
5. Collate and design a health project aimed at changing an
unhealthy behaviour.
6. Interpret a range of research emerging from the health promotion
and lifestyle literature.
Assignment 1 Task
Compare and contrast three health promotion and behaviour change
theories/models in their application to changing a poor health behaviour.
You should provide citations in the text and a reference list at the end of
your work, using the Harvard System of Referencing.
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