3805NRS Health & Illness in Older People
Assessment 1: Case Study – Patient Profile
Word Count: 750 words (20%)
Due Date: Week 3, Wednesday July 29, 2020, 5pm
People aged 65 years and older constitute 50% of health service users. As people age, they experience changes to their physical and mental function, social environment and overall wellbeing. For those requiring health services, these changes are further complicated by illness (Moyle et al., 2014).
The aim of this assignment is for students to demonstrate an understanding of the complex health needs of an older person through presentation of a patient profile of a selected case from a clinical/ workplace experience in a practice setting, community or residential or acute care.
Case study/ patient profile reports are an effective way to summarise an individual patient’s history, symptoms, and conditions in the context of their lives (Mellerio, 2019). This assignment relates to Learning Outcomes 1 and 2.
In your case study/patient profile report you must:
• Identify the person (the case/patient), and summarise their family and social history, ensuring you preserve confidentiality (you should use pseudonyms).
• Identify the acute presenting issue (reason for hospitalisation/nursing care), risk factors and potential or actual stereotyping.
• Evaluate case’s/patient’s health history including its impact on the person’s physical and/or mental functional status.
These guides may help you writing a case study:
• Monash University How to Write the Case Study
• QUT Writing a Case Study Response
Additional information and Submission:
• Present your work according to Academic standards: Always refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide.
Use academic language and health specific terminology throughout.
You may use headings to organise your work
Use the third person in your writing
Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
• It is important that you maintain confidentiality as per University guidelines and include no identifying demographic information about patients, colleagues or institutions. Please use pseudonyms.
• A minimum of six (6) different sources from the scholarly literature should inform your case study report.
• Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and textbooks) that has been predominantly published within the last 5 years.
• Include your references on a new page, correctly formatted as per APA7 and the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide
• You do not need to submit a University Assignment Coversheet.
• Complete the Electronic cover sheet after which the Final submission point will appear.
• You do need to include a correctly formatted title page – State your actual word count (excluding your reference list) on the Assignment Title Page (refer to the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide).
• Submit your assignment electronically via TURNITIN on your Learning@Griffith site / Assessment Tab/ Assignment 1: Case Study Final.
• Markers will stop marking your assignment once the word limit of 750 words is reached.
Mellerio, J. E. (2019). Enduring support for the case report. British Journal of Dermatology, 181(3), 429-430. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjd.17500
Moyle, W., Parker, D., & Bramble, M. (2014). Care of older adults: A strengths-based approach. Cambridge University Press.
Criterion One: Patient Overview
• Identify an older person (the case) (person > 65 years or > 55 years if Australia’s First People). (1)
• Summarise his/her family and social history (3)
• Clearly identifies that confidentiality has been maintained (1) / 5
Criterion 2: Current Situation
• Clearly identifies and briefly discusses the acute presenting issue (reason for hospitalisation/nursing care) (5)
• Identifies the contributing risk factors for the presenting condition specifically in relation to ageing and older persons (5)
• Identifies potential or actual stereotyping in relation to this older person (5)
/ 15
Criterion 3: Health History
• Evaluates two (2) comorbidities of the chosen older person (15 marks, 7.5 marks for each health condition)
• Evaluates the impact that the person’s situation and comorbidities have on their current physical and/or mental functional status (15 marks, 7.5 marks for each functional status) / 30
Criterion 4: Writing & Presentation
• Complies with academic standards (title page, font, format, line spacing, third person) (2)
• Writes logically with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraph structure (3) / 5
Criterion 5: Referencing
• Uses scholarly literature to support key points (1)
• No fewer than 6 sources that are current (within 5 years) (1)
• References (in-text) and in reference list formatted according to APA 7 (3) / 5
Total Marks
[weighted at 20%] / 60