At least 600 words.
Globalization and its discontents/ The Computer Revolution Discussion
The computational power of an entire room in the palm of your hand? Are you crazy? But that’s what happened, with the creation of the Intel microprocessor 4400 in 1971. It is difficult to overstate the impact that microcomputing has had on our lives–and not just the palm of your hand. Microcomputing is found in our appliances, our cars, everywhere. The opportunities created by individual computing opened up an entire world of creativity and innovation. Entire industries emerged, as well as billionaires, such as Bill Gates, who were in the right place at the right time to capitalize on the opportunities made possible by the computer revolution.
Most current students of American history have never lived in a world that did not have laptop computers on which we spend hours of every day at work and play. We live in a world in which businesses and relationships can be managed via smart phones. Universities now have entire programs dedicated to research into computational possibilities and the training of an entire generation of workers. The revolutionary change brought about by microcomputing is, in fact, not revolutionary, but simply the world they have always known. This primary source exercise is designed to introduce students to that period in history when the everyday world as we know it changed.
1. Read Foner, Chapter 27, with special attention to “Globalization and Its Discontents,” pp. 1080-1086.
2. Analyze Document 1, a photograph of ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). ENIAC was developed at the University of Pennsylvania for the U.S. military. When it was publicly introduced in 1946, the press called it the “Giant Brain” because it could perform 5,000 programmable simple addition and subtraction problems every second. ENIAC weighed approximately 27 tons and its dimensions were 8 feet by 3 feet by 100 feet for an area of 2,400 square feet.
3. Analyze Document 2, a picture of the Intel processor 4004, which was packed into a space 1/8 inch wide and 1/6 inch long. Designers at Intel developed the first programmable microprocessor available in the general marketplace in 1971. The so-called silicon gate technology was able to perform approximately 92,000 calculations per second. The Intel 4004 microchip, or microprocessor, set the standard in circuit architecture because its design allowed for the development of many types of small computers, which are programmable with a wide variety of applications. The speed and performance of microprocessing has exponentially increased since 1971, and now much smaller microchips are able to perform millions of functions every second.
4. Read and analyze Document 3, an open letter to the Computer Hobbyist community of 1976, written by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft. Gates was not only technologically gifted in the creation of software for personal computers; he also saw very clearly the development of personal computing technology as a business opportunity. Evidence of that is the fact that Bill Gates was the richest person in the world until 2018 (as he had been for eighteen out of the past twenty-four years (1994-2017)). He is currently the second richest person in the world with a net worth of over $110 billion. (Jeff Bezos is the richest person in the world with a net worth of over $180 billion currently. )
!!!!!!!!use the 3 documents and the textbook chapter 27 as evidences!!!!!!!!!! At least 5 citations.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Below are the questions to answer and answer each question respectively and label them.
1. Compare and contrast the two images in Documents 1 and 2. What do they tell us about innovations in computing between the 1940s and 1970s? How have these innovations continued to affect technology and consumerism today?
2. Americans have tended to see technological innovation as having positive effects on society. How has technology helped you? What are potential pitfalls of technology today?
3. Who has benefitted from the computer revolution? Who has been left out?
4. Finally, what forces drove the economic resurgence of the 1990s?
• Please respond as completely as possible to each question
• include specific examples from the sources above to back up your points
• Cite each example with the document number in parentheses after the example.
• You must !!!!!!!!use the 3 documents and the textbook chapter 27 as evidences!!!!!!!!!! At least 5 citations.!!!!!!!!!!!!
• NO outside sources.
• well developed assignment that fully addresses and develops all aspects of questions.
• Demonstrates analysis of others’ posts; extends meaningful discussion by building on previous post.
• Uses references to assigned readings and/or research to support comments with citations.
• Contributes to discussion with clear, concise comments formatted in an easy to read style that is free of grammatical or spelling errors.