Undertake a full strategic appraisal of the company given by:
a) examining its external and internal environment through independent research;
b) identifying and evaluating its main strategic options for growth, and
c) recommending measures for further development.
How to structure the 1st Assignment: Case Report on GAZ (Individual Report)
The first assignment of this module is a Strategic Appraisal (to be written and submitted
individually) to be undertaken on a given real company. You will be expected to apply the
theories/models you have learned throughout the module. This will include three main parts:
1) the analysis of the external and internal environment of the company;
2) the identification and evaluation of its main strategic options for growth, and
3) recommendation for further development of the company.
You may include appendices (not more than 5 pages) at the end of your report to provide
supporting data/evidence of research, but all essential information should be included in the
main body of your work.
Please note evidence of additional researched material, mechanical structure and
soundness and how well the different sections are linked and integrated within the overall
report will be greatly appreciated. A good report emphasizes clear, concise writing with
focused and solid content. This is crucial since report writing skills are essential to any
strategic management exercise.
The purpose of the assignment is to draw out the key strategic issues and challenges
encountered in running a company. You would need to carry out additional relevant research
to inform your analysis and findings. Please present your analytical frameworks in a table
format in order to save enough space for your written discussion and evaluation.
please see the attached file for instruction and body and conclusion