The Enlightenment is a much-mentioned, often little understood marker in history. Its importance can and often is overstated. But I do think it’s important, even if we need to critique and question the consequences of thought that seems to value individuality, reason, empiricism, etc.
Tasks: Consider Oroonoko—how does it reflect or not the ideals of the Enlightenment. You’ll need to use Oroonoko and at least 1 of the selected texts from the Norton anthology’s introduction for the Enlightenment.
You can build off your forum posts, but please do not copy them. And do not use the posts of others, with or without credit.
But Forums 1 and 2 are meant to help you write this paper.
Length: 1000-1200 words of formal writing. Grammar infelicities mar one’s writing. So proofread and edit.
In-text citations are necessary for indirect quotation, paraphrasing, or direct quotation. A lack of in-text citations tells me you didn’t do the assignment properly.
If you have questions about citation, please ask!
A Works Cited page is necessary.
Structure: Introduction and conclusion are necessary. This is an argumentative paper, so be sure to include an arguable thesis that is backed up by evidence, both directly-quoted and paraphrased (the strongest papers in the Humanities do both—other disciplines have conventions for paper writing.
If you have questions about evidence, please ask!
Sources: You’ll need at least one of the selected texts from the Enlightenment introduction in the Norton. And you need to cite Oroonoko.
If you have questions about sources, please ask!
Procrastiwriting: rushed writing feels rushed. I know—that was mentioned on my first reader report. So take your time!