LO1 Explain different purposes of mathematical information used in healthcare practice
LO2 Investigate the scientific rationale of the mathematical methods and information used to predict health outcomes
LO3 Apply mathematical methods accurately to report on and work to improve individuals’ health status
LO4 Assess the implications of the use of mathematical methods and scientific rationales for healthcare practice
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
As part of your role within EPUT you have taken on responsibility for mentoring a group of new HCA’s or therapy assistants undertaking a level 3 qualification. You have been asked to produce a training resource including a pack and presentation to develop the mathematical skills and scientific understanding of new staff members. This resource has to be based on your own practice so that the relevance of the skills to the job roles is obvious to new staff members.
There are four sections to the resource:
Section 1: An introduction to the place of work and a range of mathematical information used in a healthcare context. This will include a justification of the use of the different kinds of information and an evaluation of how effective the information is for its designated purpose. You must ensure that you describe the different types and sources of information, what the challenges are in obtaining the primary data and include how it is shown to be valid, and reliable. And discuss the different purposes of that information.( Approximately 1000 words )
Section 2 : A PowerPoint presentation demonstrating two examples of each of the different mathematical information as detailed in the essential content section of the Unit and reporting on data that you have collected in your workplace . The presentation must explain why you have used the different methods. Your presentation must include an evaluation of the appropriateness of the mathematical methods you have performed to solve health concerns and predict health outcomes.
Presentation must be approximately 15 minutes long .
Section 3: A briefing paper that analyses and explains the mathematical methods used in healthcare, based on the relevant science, outlining the scientific rationale for the data that has been used.( Approximately 1,500 words)
Section 4: A final section for the pack that justifies and explains the procedures used to reduce the likelihood of mistakes caused by limitations in mathematical skills and scientific understanding. This should include a discussion of the potential consequences for the service user if a member of staff lacks the sufficient mathematical and scientific understanding to address the problems they have identified ( Approximately 500 words)
*Please access HN Global for additional resources support and reading for this unit. For further guidance and support on report writing please refer to the Study Skills Unit on HN Global www.highernationals.com
Pearson Education 2016
Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcome
LO3 Apply mathematical methods accurately to report on and work to improve individuals’ health status P3 Safely monitor different aspects of an individual’s health status
P4 Report on own data collection to healthcare professionals using appropriate tools, formats and communication systems in a healthcare setting M2 Interrogate barriers affecting own use of mathematical tools, formats and communication systems to solve problems and predict health outcomes LO2 and LO3
D2 Critically review the efficacy of own data collection in solving problems and predicting health outcomes for different individuals in healthcare settings
LO4 Assess the implications of the use of mathematical methods and scientific rationales for healthcare practice P7 Illustrate the impact of the application of mathematical skills and scientific understanding on the service user in a healthcare context
P8 Outline the procedures used to reduce the likelihood of mistakes affecting service users M4 Describe the potential consequences for the service user and professionals, of applying poor mathematical and scientific understanding to problems in a healthcare context
M5 Explain in detail the procedures used to reduce the likelihood of mistakes and the benefits for service users
D3 Evaluate the
significance of the
accurate and appropriate
use of mathematical
methods and scientific
rationales for effective
healthcare practice