Paper to be sent on 05/20/2020 at 10am GMT with 3 hours to complete.
Can be submitted as a separate word document or PDF (may insert your formulas into the document)
Their will be 3 sections as such :
Section A: choose 10 out of 16 true/false statements (8 of them are from microeconomic topics, the other 8 from macroeconomic topics). [50 marks] Section B: choose 1 out of 2 problem questions (microeconomic topics). [25 marks] Section C: choose 1 out of 2 problem questions (macroeconomic topics). [25 marks]
Example paper and Textbook to refer to attached.
Advised to check from chapter 1-11 of the textbook for microeconomics topics, and from chapter 20-37 of the macroeconomic topics, to see relevant concepts.
Paper must be done in the time specified.