The exam in PSY3990 The Bachelor thesis is a bachelor thesis where the core text should be 20 pages +/- 10%, the same as 18-22 pages. The core text is defined from the introduction to the discussion / conclusion. Front page, summary / abstract, abbreviations and glossaries, table of contents and reference list do not count in the calculation of the number of pages. Any attachments don’t count either. Otherwise, the thesis should be written in A4 format, line spacing 1 1/2, font size 12 Times New Roman, margins are 2.5 cm for left, right, top and bottom. Text in tables / figures can have a font size between 9 and 12. Content and structure: The assignment should at least have a summary, introduction, method, results, and discussion. The thesis will undertake a literature search and 10 or more original research articles based on this search, described under method and results respectively. The thesis will discuss a psychological issue based on empirical research. We strongly recommend that you take advantage of the tutorial through the assignments to meet these requirements. The exam answers are graded and graded, A – F.