The purpose of this essay is to analyze a subculture with a social, economic, and/or political disparity within US American Culture. You will identify the following aspects of this culture: symbols and meanings, norms, and what type of culture this subculture identifies as (see pages 53-55 for more information) In addition, Choose 2-4 concepts (i.e. language, verbal and nonverbal communication, etc.) to research and explain communicative behaviors of this subculture.
Paper Requirements:
Length: 5-7 Pages
APA standards
Resources: APA citation, 4 scholarly resources min.
In-Text Citations (min of 4)
double spaced, 1″ margins
Reference page
Content Requirements:
Introduction (no more than on paragraph)
A Brief/history of the culture you have selected
An introductory explanation of the concepts you have chosen to discuss in the paper
Describe Cultural symbols, meanings, and what type of culture this subculture identifies with.
Explain the concepts you will be asserting and provide your evidence.
Be sure to clearly and briefly define each concept (2-4 required)
Explain (with research/evidence) how these concepts affect the communicative behaviors of this subculture when communicating with the dominant culture or other subcultures. And the communicative behaviors within the subculture itself (how do they communicate with one another, how do they reinforce norms within the subculture for example).
Do not use lengthy quotes or use lengthy scene descriptions to fill space.
A clear summary of the main points of your analysis.