Describe the importance of a movement or demonstration: On Climate Change
The main goal of this paper is to back up why there needs to be a change in the way we act in life and towards the idea of climate change/Environmental Issues and its importance. With this information, I am creating a PowerPoint presentation displaying the magnitude of our current and future situation. I need your help as a professional writer to back that idea up leading to the presentation.
– What strategies are you employing and why? How do these strategies emphasize the ideology of your movement? (eg. Are you choosing a nonviolent, non-disruptive approach?)
– Incorporate explanations of your strategies of agitation (Ideology of Agitators, Promulgation and Solidification technics, Suppression, Escalation/ confrontation, etc.)
– You must cite at least 6 sources to back up your reasoning as to why these forms of address, 2 of which must be from an academic journal outside of the course readings. See lib.ua.edu or scholar.google.com for academic journal sources.
This section should be written in times new roman,12 pt. font, 1-inch margins, double spaced, 5-6 pages long,