Word Count: 1000 words 10 % +/- Any words after this point will not be read, marked or contribute to final
Weighting: 20% Purpose: To develop the written skills required to successfully participate in the
market, in particular applying for Graduate Nurse Program positions.
Students are required to complete a Cover Letter and Key Selection Criteria which addresses the New
Graduate Job Description and addresses the Key Selection Criteria for a job application (refer to Moodle
Assessments Task 1 Part A for job advertisement).
You must link your responses of the Key Selection Criteria to the Nurses Standards of Practice and Code
of Ethics.
A. Submission of Assessment Task 1 Part A: See relevant campus schedule or Moodle Assessment
1. Students must submit the Assessment Task 1 Part A for peer review via Moodle link.
2. Submit electronically as a PDF document. DO NOT ATTACH AN ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET.
3. Must use student number not name on all documents
4. Format: Size 12 font (no smaller).
5. Margins 2.5cms left and right (Normal margins)
All the relevant documents are attached.
I have also provided my Previous work – that has all my details. I need all the details covered in my new
work. In my previous work, I made the cover letter too long may you can make that decent size and write
more in the key selection criteria.
Nursing standards: