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Go to database by name and type in CINAHL and it will come right up!
All five skills and questions must be completed. Each skill or answer is worth an assigned number of points (see below) for a total of 25 points for the total assignment. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS VERY CAREFULLY!
CINAHL is the most widely used database for searching the nursing research literature. Use CINAHL (via Mercy library database access) to answer these questions and perform skills:
1) Briefly describe 1 or 2 of CINAHL’s features (1 paragraph). 1 pt
2) Use CINAHL to find one of the “Evidence-Based Care Sheets” you may select one on a clinical topic of interest to you. Attach it (the pdf) to this assignment. Read it and write a short summary of some of the evidence you found from the Care Sheet your found on your topic (summarize in your own words and cite). 3pts
3) Now use the Search screen of CINAHL and search CINAHL complete to search for “breast cancer” AND “weight management” AND “body composition.” (Do this search exactly as written).
a) Write a paragraph about what results you get and include: How many articles are found? How many have full text (Pdf) of the article? What is the date range of the articles found? What are some of the journals that these articles are published in? You MUST print out the search you did with the results. 2 pts
b) Use Excel to make a simple spreadsheet summary of all the articles you just found in your search: include columns for the article authors, year published, article title, journal published in, and add at least one other column with your choice of data. Insert the spreadsheet. 4 pts
c) There is one article that is written by a nursing faculty member at Mercy. Which article and what journal is that article published in? For this article only, write a short summary of the article in your own words and cite this article. (note: You do not need to cite all the articles found in this search). 4 pts The nursing professor is wald. A.
Article name is : Interventions for the management of weight and body compositionchanges in women with breast cancer.
4) Now, search using the EXACT same terms (those in #3 above) but now select another database to add to CINAHL. There is an option at the top of the search page “Choose databases” – use this to add MEDLINE so now you are searching 2 databases: CINAHL and MEDLINE. Do the same search as above and print out the results. Write one paragraph about the difference in the results you now get when searching two databases together. 2 pts
5) Now that you understand how to Search CINAHL, it is your turn.
a) Pick a topic of interest to you and do a search of CINAHL alone (no other database this time). You need to refine your topic as much as you need to get no more than 10 articles that are highly specific so you may need to add search terms to do this. Print out your final search that will have no more that 10 articles on your narrower topic. 2 pts
c) Now, briefly describe how you did the searching, give some information on the results you got (how many, years published, journals, etc.) and write a short summary of one of the articles you found on your topic (pick the one most interesting to you). See if you can determine the level of evidence it provides. Cite this article correctly in the text and in your reference list. 3 pts
d) Use Powerpoint to make one summary slide of the key findings from the article. Make sure your slide is of a high quality based on the reading you did about what makes an effective ppt and insert it in your paper or attach it. 4 pts