Product Life Cycle
Product Life Cycle
MG Gamers has introduced its Full Featured Games into the market which are available for download on Apple Store and Google Play. Since the games are in the introductory phase, MG Gamers main emphasis is to increase the number of players by gaining positive reviews. To create awareness, the games will be advertised online through Facebook and the Google Ad network.
Our target market consists of teenagers and young adults who are innovators and technology enthusiasts. To capture our players enthusiasm, the games are designed in a manner that allows a player to choose and customize and combine various elements in the gameplay. In addition, players will be able to buy gold bars which can be exchanged for additional lives and to unlock new moves. Therefore, in order to capture the market, the games will be updated almost on a monthly basis.
To ensure that our target market continues to grow, by watching the video ads and gameplays, players can shorten the upgrade time or earn keys that can be used to obtain random items. In addition, besides debugging, the games updates will be expanded with introduction of new items such as weapons and maps as a way of improving user experience and the games enjoyability.
Being an online mobile gaming company, MG Gamers clientele is based all over the world. Since the games are in the introductory phase, for all our customers to be able to access the games, the company will need to have the games in more languages that are accepted globally which will include English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese (Lee & Raghu, 2014).
Lee, G., & Raghu, T. (2014). Determinants of Mobile Apps’ Success: Evidence from the App Store Market. Journal of Management Information Systems, 31(2), 133-170. doi: 10.2753/mis0742-1222310206