Special Instructions (please read and follow carefully)
This exam is completed through online learning with Blackboard, following the same process as the course assignments. Your exam will be assessed by SafeAssign which can detect improper use of articles, online sources, and previous student papers.
The exam will be posted to Blackboard at noon on Monday July 27th and you will have until Friday July 31st at noon to submit your responses. The final exam is considered a take home exam for this course. You can submit your completed exam to Blackboard at any time during the availability period. You will be permitted one (1) submission and you are not able to go back and make any changes once submitted.
• Include your name and student number on the top of your answer page(s).
• The file must be in Word format, double spaced, and with 12‐point font.
• Your answers should provide information from the course lectures, readings, and videos.
For each answer you will want to reference a minimum of three course materials, though using more materials may help strengthen your response. In addition, you may reference sources from outside the course materials though this is not required. Any sources you use should be referenced in text and in a reference list at the end of each answer using APA format.
• You are encouraged to write from the first person and include your own thoughts and experiences as part of your answers.
• Use proper APA formatting and referencing for all sources. This includes in-text citations and a reference list.