Primary Source Assignment Part 1
PART 1 Submit as one document, single-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman.
20 points: Annotated bibliography. List at least four secondary sources, two of which must be about the book or author and two about the time period and region where the story takes place. You may add to the list of secondary sources as you progress in writing your paper. In your final submission (Part 3), you will want to update this bibliography if you’ve used more sources than originally planned.
For the annotated portion: In two to three sentences, describe what each book is about and how it will help or has helped you understand the The Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson. For your bibliographic information, use the Chicago Manual of Style method. Submit your annotated bibliography. Each entry’s annotation should describe what’s in the work and how it will help you write your paper.
Primary Source Assignment Part 2
PART 2 Submit as one document, single-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman.
40 points (200 words): Write a 200-word essay giving the historical background for Pudd’nhead Wilson. You can focus on the time period within which the story is set or you can focus on the time period when Twain wrote the story, or (best) describe a little bit of both. Use the reputable secondary sources of Part 1, or if you use another secondary source, be sure to list it in your final annotated bibliography (Part 3). Remember to use footnotes where needed. For footnotes, use the Chicago Manual of Style method.
Primary Source Assignment Part 3
PART 3 Submit as one document, single-spaced, font 12, Times New Roman.
10 points (100 words): For your Introduction, write a 100-word paragraph wherein you identify Mark Twain’s purpose(s) for writing Pudd’nhead Wilson and whether or not you agreed with his intent.
40 points (400 words): For the first half of your essay’s Body, write a 400-word summary of the story. The summary narrative must flow with proper transition sentences and it must cover the extent of the story: beginning, middle, and end. This summary should explain the main story line.
40 points (300 words): For the second half of your essay’s Body, write a 300-word in-depth description and assessment of three characters found in Pudd’nhead Wilson. Remember to use paragraphs and footnotes whenever quoting from the book or from a secondary source.
10 points (100 words): For your Conclusion, write a positive or negative critique that includes a comparison of your worldview and that of the author. The conclusion should explain why your point of view is correct, and if you do not agree with the author, why his is incorrect.
20 Footnotes and an updated Annotated Bibliography. Annotated means you explain in two or three sentences, after giving the bibliographic information, what’s in the source and how it helped you write the paper. Use Chicago Manual of Style method.