Essay #4 – Argumentative Research ENG200 Davis
Research papers require you to apply critical thought toward a specific topic. Typically, research papers
fall under either argumentative or analytical modes. You will adopt an argumentative style. When you
write in an argumentative mode, it develops your ability to convey your thoughts clearly and persuasively.
The difference between arguing a point through conversation, and writing argumentatively, is that through
writing, you can often be more articulate and concise in expressing your ideas. This is because an
argumentative essay requires research in order to provide factual, statistical, anecdotal, and logical
support for your specific assertion.
You will write an argumentative research essay on any topic that has been discussed in class, or on a
tangential aspect of one of those topics, or a combination thereof. Tangential topics must be approved by
* Your paper will follow a specific format:
~An introduction that includes a hook, general information about the topic, explains why the
topic is important, and how it connects to your claim (a specific, complex thesis statement) that
comes at the end of the introductory paragraph.
~Evidence that explains/supports your thesis. (as many paragraphs needed to argue your case)
~Counter Argument(s) (usually a paragraph or two) that in a fair manner, addresses opposing
views, and then refutes those views by proving/showing why/how they are false, weak, or
undesirable, and how your claim is valid and better.
~ Write a conclusion that restates the claim(thesis), summarizes the support used for the claim,
and offers a fresh perspective on the topic.
You should try to focus your attention on immediate or major points that are known or assumed to be true.
In order to achieve a balanced argument, you will need to shelve any emotional attachment you may have
to your topic and consider all possible positions. —Remember, a balanced argument also considers the
I will be paying particular attention to your thesis statement, as well as your ability to stay focused on the
argument set fourth in your thesis. As always, I will be looking at your individual paragraph organization,
making sure that each paragraph is focused on one idea, one aspect of the essay’s argument. In addition, I
will also be paying particular attention to your essay organization, checking to see that it flows naturally,
specifically within the parameters of the assignment.
* 2000 words (8 pages), typed, double-spaced, 12 font, 1-inch margins. MLA format!
* Works cited page, not included in the page count. Must have at least 5 sources, 2 of which must
be peer reviewed, academic papers.
* Thesis statement must be in BOLD!
* Avoid contractions, slang/colloquialisms. Must be written in 3rd person perspective.
* Rough draft due:
* Final draft due: