Deadline is July 22 for the three articles and Saturday for the book review
here are the requirements:Course Assignments, Assessments and Grading: In keeping with the assessment policy of the College of Education, the following assignments and examinations will be conducted as part of this course:Assignments: Each candidate will be required to complete major assignments in addition to other work assigned by the instructor. Integrated Project (major assignment)The project for this class will result in each candidate preparing a 4-6 page APA style topical discussion of a critical aspect of curricular planning, development, and/or evaluation. Sample topics are included in the syllabus. In order to prepare each candidate to write his/her paper, two additional assignments (three article reviews and a book review) will be completed that will aid in the preparation of the final paper. These two assignments will help the candidate to focus his/her reading toward producing products that can easily feed into the final paper thus yielding an integrated project made up from the various assignments.The final paper/project will include a reference page that shows research from a minimum of 6 reliable journals, dissertations, or other recent scholarly publications (some of which will have already been used in the assignments that feed into the paper – the 3 article reviews and the book that you choose to review can serve as 4 of the required six sources). Article ReviewsIn order to prepare for the final project, each candidate will prepare a 1-2 page APA review of three articles related to the topic he/she has chosen for the final project. By focusing these reviews towards one topic, the candidate will gain deeper understanding of the topic to be presented in the final paper/project. The paper should include the APA citation for the article and should briefly summarize the content of the article while also providing reflection as to why the article is pertinent to the knowledge of the writer. Book ReviewEach candidate will read one additional book (in the reading list or one of your choosing that relates to your topic). The book should be selected based on the topic you have chosen for your final project/paper. The review should address the guiding questions:What are the major points/sections of the book?What new learning was derived from reading the book?oIdentify new learning pointsoWhat can be done with this new learning?oDoes this cause you to ask new questions?oIf so, what are those questions?
4How does this book’s content fit into the content of curriculum or school reform?Focused Discussion Board – Related to Article One of the three articles will be submitted to the Article Review Discussion Board. In this discussion board, candidates will be required to read the review of at least two other candidates and make substantive comments/reflection about their peers’ review of the article.