Personal Selling Homework 4 50 points Submit on Blackboard
The Instructions
You will write a 5-page double-spaced paper using a 12-point font.
Your goal is to review the specific facts in the report that is assigned, answering the specific questions I ask.
You will also summarize what you learned about consumer behavior by reading the report. Make sure you include insights from the class when you write this section.
When you write the assignment, make sure you title the document Last Name, Homework number. An example would be Gomez, Personal Selling Homework 4
Put your name and the course number at the upper left of the homework.
The Grading Rubric
Did you fully answer each question by responding to the specific questions I asked?
Did your paper meet the length requirements? Was it 5 pages?
Did your paper have more than 2 major spelling errors? Make sure yourcapitalize proper names (the names of companies and events, etc.).
Did you spell check your work so there were less than 2 major grammar errors? You can use a grammar checker in Word or any other word processing program.
Here is the Assignment for Homework 4
Read the report, “Secrets of Most Successful Salespeople.”
Choose any 10 salespeople featured in this report.
For each of the people you chose, describe what they said about the qualities that made them successful in sales. Discuss what you learned from their comments that you can apply to making you more successful in sales. Do a search on your own and find out more about the individuals you chose and the company they sell for or the products they sell. Incorporate what you found on your own into your writing.
For each of the people you chose, write at least 100 words.