Please rewrite the manuscript with following the instructions:
1. Abstract maximum 250 words with contains:
a. Problem statements
b. Aims/objective (objective 1, objective 2, and objective 3)
c. Methodology
d. Results/findings (results of objective 1, results of objective 2, and results of objective 3)
e. Conclusion
f. Recommendation
2. Introduction must contain:
a. summarize prior studies about the topic in a manner that lays a foundation for understanding the research
b. explain how study specifically addresses gaps in the literature, insufficient consideration of the topic, or
other deficiency in the literature; and,
c. note the broader theoretical, empirical, and/or policy contributions and implications of the research.
d. end this section using Research Questions and put Objective 1, objective 2, and objective 3
e. Please relate to new references
3. Methodology must contain:
a. Design
b. Participants
c. Research instrument
d. Data and sources of data
e. Data collection procedures, including trustworthiness of data
f. Data analysis techniques
4. Results/Findings:
a. Results/finding of Objective 1
b. Results/finding of Objective 2
c. Results/finding of Objective 3
5. Discussion of Results/Findings.
a. Discussion of Results/finding of Objective 1
b. Discussion of Results/finding of Objective 2
c. Discussion of Results/finding of Objective 3
d. Please relate to new references
6. Conclusion must contain:
a. Conclusion of Results/finding of Objective 1
b. Conclusion of Results/finding of Objective 2
c. Conclusion of Results/finding of Objective 3
7. Recommendations/future works/research
8. References minimum 50 update references 2017-2020