00: GUEST VISITS PHTO 316: Professional Practice. Spring 2020. Elise Kirk
Overview: Active and prepared engagement with guest practitioners and professionals.
Objectives: At completion of assignment, student will be able to: 1) Research and prepare appropriate questions for a variety of professional
practitioners and informational interviews
2) Reflect on those interactions to further their own practice
Process: In advance of each guest visit (a visitor to class or a class visit to a practitioner or talk), research the guest with whom we will be meeting. Identify at least three questions you have for that guest. Submit these questions to Blackboard before the visit. During the visit, listen actively and when appropriate ask at least one of your questions. After the visit, reflect on what you have taken away from the discussion and how it could be relevant to your own practice or goals. Submit a one-page written reflection responding to the items in the Guidelines below.
Guidelines: Before the visit, post to Blackboard:
¨ Three questions you have prepared for the guest After the visit, post a reflection in 125-200 words, including a discussion of the following:
¨ What was one answer the guest made to at least one of your questions? ¨ What is the biggest insight you are taking away from the visit?
¨ How might that insight relate to your own practice or goals?
Rubric: Total Points: 50 (5 points per complete reflection.) You must submit 10 reflections over the course of the semester to receive all 50 points. You may submit up to two additional reflections for a total of 10 extra credit points. 5 points (A) : Questions are well-researched and submitted before the visit. Reflections are well-considered, thoughtfully articulated, and easy to read (free of distracting typographical errors). 4 points (B-) : Questions may be generic and not necessarily specific to the guest. Reflections may be perfunctory and may not meaningfully connect the guest’s work to the student’s own practice or goals. 3 points (D-) : Questions may not have been fully developed in advance of the guest visit. Reflections may be weak and typographical or grammatical errors may be distracting. 2.5 points (F) : Incomplete, or does not follow guidelines.
Deadline: Questions are to be posted to Blackboard before the scheduled visit. (IE for a guest visit scheduled during a class period, questions must be posted to Blackboard no later than 2:29pm that day.) Final reflections are to be posted to Blackboard within four calendar days of the visit (IE if the visit is on a Thursday, the reflection is due by midnight Monday.) No late reflections will be accepted after this time.